I don't blog twice in one week very often, but I just had to tell you about a wonderful day that I had yesterday!
First of all, thanks to all my wonderful blog friends who wished me a happy birthday! You are the best! It was so nice to read (and hear) all of your messages. Also, my little daughter is beaming with joy over the sweet comments about her painting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Yesterday, Mother Nature marveled us with hail storms! We don't get them often in Utah, but we had two huge storms before the day was through. They ripped through the grill and furniture covers on the patio, they demolished the garden and little flowers. You would think one would want to stay home amidst this craziness. I however, didn't want to fix myself and family something to eat, so I insisted that we go to lunch in Ogden, and after that go do a little shopping at Shepherd's Bush.
I was starting to regret that decision at first, because the weather was so bad at the restaurant that I thought the car would be damaged from the hail. We also had the power flickering off and on in the restaurant, so I thought that would be eating in the dark. But, all of this was worth it after our trip to SB.
Since the weather was what it was, no one else was crazy enough to brave the storm, and we pretty much had the entire SB staff at our disposal. After I pointed out a few lovely things to DH, that I would like, I hung out in the back of the store while DH decided what to buy. The girls stayed busy for quite a while, and I had no idea what could be taking so long. Well this is why they were taking so long...
He hid all of the gifts in the car before I could see them, and then he went home and set up a wonderful "treasure hunt". It was so fun.
I can't say enough about the SB staff. They really went out of their way to make this a special day, and I don't think my husband will go to another store to buy a present! He has become a loyal customer!
When we were leaving Teri said, "Your husband is really great! Really, you are very lucky." I could not agree more!
Thanks for visiting me. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Again, I thank you for the sweet comments. They sure brighten my day!