Hello my friends. Summer has flown by and my daughter had already started school and my son starts on Tuesday. It is hard to believe that my vacation time went by so fast! I have managed to do some wonderful things and I will follow with an update, but this post is about the clever things people think of.
Last night my husband took me to dinner to Rooster's one of our favorite restaurants in Ogden, Utah. It's a block from THE one and only famous cross stitch store, Shepherd's Bush. If you haven't been there, then put it on your bucket list.
Roosters has the most fabulous food! I don't think I've ever had anything there that I didn't want to try again and again. Many people feel the same way, as it was unusually busy for a Thursday night and we had to wait about a half an hour for a table.
Running over to Shepherds Bush would have been my first choice, but sadly, it was closed, so we decided to walk up and down the streets of historic 25th street. We read the signs that talked about Ogden's colorful history. We read about three famous "ladies of the night" and how their brothel houses were center stage during the days of the railroad construction. One lady wore her finest clothes and walked down the streets with her ocelot. Can you imagine the site?
If that wasn't entertainment enough we enjoyed the colorful pianos that were set out in front of stores along the streets.
Pretty soon we started to notice crocheted items wrapped around the lamp posts and in the trees. 

...the statues...(this has to be a favorite). 
..and even the bike racks.
It became a treasure hunt of sorts. We found little creatures on the top of the buildings.

and at the bottom of the poles. The store responsible for this? I am guessing it is this one.
The Needlepoint Joint, located next door to Rooster's. Here you can see their giant knitting needles displayed.
There were so many more items I didn't take pictures of. Next time I will!!
I applaud their creativity and hope that people will appreciate the time and effort that went into this endeavor. For those too far away to visit, I hope you enjoy the pictures. Perhaps it will inspire other historical areas to do something clever to their areas as well. Not a bad night to have to wait for a table!
Have a great day everyone!
Hi Loraine…always fun hearing from you !! I love the Needlepoint Joint….it is a wonderful fiber store. I love it when talented people 'yarn bomb' the neighborhood. My favorite was the cat on the roof. Too much fun. Hugs
What fun photos! That's a town with a great sense of humor!
Ooooh i love the yarn bombing, how great that you got to see it :-)
What a fun, fun town! I love all of those delightful things!
What a fun, fun town! I love all of those delightful things!
Too much fun!!!!!! And very nice to see a post from you :-). I desperately need to get back to my blog, LOL.
How fun! That is a lot of creativity on one block. Hope you had a great dinner too!
OMG, I love the yarn bombing!!! Fantastic! So creative too! OMG!! lol! You are so lucky to live where you do. I'd love to be close to SB. Hope the beginning of school goes well for your kids! The summer went by so fast!
ohhhhh thanks for the tour of Ogden Loraine - it has been my dream to visit SB and your beautiful state of Utah. one day I hope.. . . yarn bombing has become a popular phnom around here too but nothing nearly that creative. just covering tree trunks and bike stands with colorful knitting. Yes summer has flown by but I am truly ready for fall and cooler temps. Last week was dreadfully hot here in NE FL. take care and come back soon Mel
Thanks for sharing your tour of Ogden, lovely photos
Oh my gosh what a lovely sight on your walk, I love hearing the history of places and trying to imagine what it would have been like in the day. It's lovely to know you're walking the same place as those people 100+yrs before?yarn bombing seems to be fashionable at the moment! I love it.
Thank you for popping by :)
Peg x
Such a lot of creative ideas. Absolutely great. It's a pity that I live so far away, so thanks alot for showing the pictures.
When I am in historic towns I always try to learn as much as possible about what happened in the past. Always so interesting.
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